CHBH Swipe Access and Mandatory Training

If you require access to the CHBH, please fill in this form.  Following successful completion of this form, and providing there are no issues with your request, you should receive swipe access to the CHBH within one week. If you do not gain access after this point, or you face any issues accessing the CHBH generally, please email

Please note that once you have completed this form, you will have to attend and complete additional training for the Building itself, such as General User Training (Building Induction) and MRI Safety Training, or for specific lab working. Details of upcoming training sessions will be sent to you in due course, once your access has been granted. Please ensure you attend these, as your access for the CHBH could be revoked if you do not.

If you already have swipe access and you need to attend General User Training or MRI Safety Training, or other lab-specific training, please contact and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.