Submitting eddy_openmp jobs to GPU node

How to Login to the PBIC Cluster

Login to the frontend machine for the cluster using VNC


To submit a job type (this is an eddy_cuda job using version 9.1 you can also submit an eddy_cuda job using eddy_cuda0.8 to submit using an older version of eddy_cuda) :

qsub -q gpu.q -b y eddy_cuda9.1 --imain=  (eddy_openmp path options and data path)


To check the status of your jobs type:



To check the status of all user submitted jobs type:

qstat -u "*"


To see summary information on all PBIC queues:

qstat -f


To kill a job type:

qdel job_id


To kill all your jobs type:

qdel -u user_name


Note that the output of your jobs will be put in files named

jobname.oxxxx and jobname.exxxx

where jobname is the name from the #$ -N jobname command and xxxx is the job number.