Which FSL tools automatically use the cluster

The following programs/scripts are able to self-submit in an SGE-capable environment and should never be used in conjunction with fsl_sub.

Scripts that self-submit
FDT bedpostx
FEAT feat feat_gm_prepare
FIRST run_first_all
FSLVBM fslvbm_2_template fslvbm_3_proc
POSSUM possumX
RANDOMISE randomise_parallel
TBSS tbss_2_reg
GUIs that self-submit
FDT FDT GUI ( probtrackx only )

Note that all other FSL GUIs will only run jobs on the local machine. To submit to a cluster you must use the equivalent command-line call in conjunction with fsl_sub (see below).


How to login to the PBIC Cluster

Login to the frontend machine for the cluster pbic.bham.ac.uk using VNC


How do I submit other FSL jobs to a cluster?

To submit all other tasks to a cluster use the fsl_sub command, which takes as input either a normal program call or a plain-text list of tasks:

fsl_sub fslmaths input -add 1 output
fsl_sub my_task_list

If you have an estimate of how long a job will take, you can specify the required job length in minutes with the -T option:

fsl_sub -T 30 fslmaths input -add 1 output

Or if you have a particular queue you want the job to run on use the -q option ( fsl_sub defaults to "long.q" ):

fsl_sub -q bigmem.q list_of_ram_intensive_jobs


Which jobs should be submitted to a cluster?

In general a script or program should be submitted to a cluster via fsl_sub if

1) It uses a large ( in time and/or voxel dimensions ) dataset.

2) The script or program performs a non-trivial processing task.

Typically the programs in fslutils ( fslmaths, fslstats, fslroi etc ) can be run locally, more sophisticated programs like bet and flirt should be submitted unless dealing with small images. A script involving a large amount of processing like tbss_3_postreg should always be submitted to a queue.